Pivot Acupuncture and Physical Therapy Combines Eastern, Western Medicine
by snoman_mn
Pivot Acupuncture and Physical Therapy combines eastern, western medicine
“When we got out of grad school, we suddenly had more time than we knew what to do with,” laughs Barclay, who has practiced physical therapy for seven years, most recently through the Rochester Rehabilitation Center. Barclay started practicing Qi Gong … Read more on Fairport-E.Rochester Post
Marcia A. Lyon (1925-2013)
She studied zoology for three years at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, and then obtained her Registered Physical Therapy certificate from The University of Iowa. She was employed as a physical therapist with Allen Memorial Hospital for many years. Read more on Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier
Shankland, Lassa connect with constituents on city buses (with video)
Brandon Loging, a junior majoring in pre-physical therapy, said he had avoided taking out students loans up until this school year, and he and other students were concerned about having to pay back those loans. Lassa said both she and Shankland were in … Read more on Wisconsin Rapids Tribune
Physical Therapy Billing and Practice Management – Joe O’Connor, PT – http://www.billingdynamix.com The payors make profit on the float, so they hold onto the money that must be paid to the provider for as long as possible. The…
Tags: physical therapist, cedar falls, physical therapy, rehabilitation center