Police Say Taylor Shot First in Wonder Wand Gunfight

Police say Taylor shot first in Wonder Wand gunfight
The medications are used to treat a variety of medical conditions, such as pain, muscle spasms and hypertension, as well as anxiety, insomnia, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, , ADHD and PTSD, according to the manufacturers … Read more on The Daily Telegram

Rare 'Walking Dead' Disease Said to Be Linked to Herpes Drug
Some have linked it to depression, others to bipolar disorder. Most recently, two Swedish doctors say they see a connection between Cotard's syndrome and a herpes medicine. “Together with my colleague Thomas Linden, I've found almost ten examples of … Read more on Wall Street Journal (blog)

Minnesota launches plan to improve treatment for disabled, mentally ill
In 2005, she discovered Vail Place, a Minneapolis nonprofit that helped her find a job, affordable housing and proper medication for her condition: bipolar obsessive compulsive disorder. “I would be on the streets, dead or in a mental hospital were it … Read more on Minneapolis Star Tribune


BURST by Gray | trailer 2012 – BURST by Gray Footage from 2012 San Francisco production. BURST is a high-energy one-woman show about what it means to find mental & spiritual sanity amidst …


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