Postnatal Depression


Postnatal depression – Mums who have had postnatal depression talk about the feelings they faced, and perinatal psychiatrist Dr Margaret Oates explains how it can be treated quickly with the right help


Alanis Morissette Opens Up About Postpartum Depression

Filed under: postnatal depression

“The degree and intensity of my post-natal depression shocked me," she tells You mag. "I am predisposed to depression, but what surprised me this time was the physical pain. I hadn't realized the depths to which you can ache— limbs, back, torso, head, …
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More doctors need to start screening for PPD

Filed under: postnatal depression

The Edinburgh (EPDS) is a simple screening tool that anyone can use and takes less than five minutes to administer. This 10-question survey helps determine whether or not treatment is needed. I give it to every new mom I meet …
Read more on Washington Post (blog)


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