Prayer Camps Complicates Mental Health Condition

Prayer camps complicates mental health condition
“The insufficient mental health facilities and specialist doctors have led to the violation of the rights of people with mental illness at prayers camps.” Mr. Gabriel Benarkuu, Chairman of the Brong Ahafo Network of Non-Governmental Organizations … Read more on GhanaWeb

Petula Dvorak: Devastating toll of mental illness demands our attention
The common thread in these incidents is mental illness. And when we hear that, there's the subconscious sigh of relief that the knife-wielding maniac isn't on the loose slashing strangers and, too often, we leave it alone. But it won't stop, and … Read more on

Harrison: Another source of funding for mental health
19 commentary by Eugenia Lindsey ("A resolution on mental health") and ongoing coverage of mental illness: I applaud and agree with each of the points made by Lindsey. Like Lindsey, I am a veteran mental health provider, beginning in the community … Read more on Roanoke Times


Allen J. Frances on the overdiagnosis of mental illness – Psychiatrist and author, Allen J. Frances, believes that mental illnesses are being over-diagnosed. In his lecture, Diagnostic Inflation: Does Everyone Have …


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