Question About Seizures?

Question by funkjack: Question about Seizures?
I had a friend over the weekend that had a seizure that lasted up to 10 seconds. He says that he has never had one before in his life. It’s hard to tell what caused the seizure, because he was pretty much really drugged up. He had been smoking marijuana, drank two strawberry vodka mixed drinks, and smoked one cigarette. Couple of minutes later he said that he was feeling fine and then he took two puffs off of someone else’s cigarette and thats when he passed out and when we tried to wake him up he had a seizure. He says that he has been smoking marijuana for 3 years now and never had a seizure occur. He did point out that if he drinks too much he has black outs, but he smokes cigarettes socially. Also, he does not have a very good eating habits(he cannot finish his first meal of the day), because he is constantly stressed out, trying to juggle too many things at once. I am really concerned about his health and confused as to what could’ve have caused the seizure.

Best answer:

Answer by Tanya
i think youve answered your own question.

Answer by King Leonidas
Speaking from experience, I am 36 with Epilepsy (seizure disorder) from my personal experiences smoking pot will not couse a seizure, I have been smoking for 20 years and it’s never caused me to have a seizure! STRESS thats a different story , I’ve had many seizures do to being stressed out!!!

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