Quitting Alcohol “Cold Turkey”?

Question by That guy: Quitting Alcohol “Cold Turkey”?
Alright I’m stuck it seems, I don’t want to drink anymore I have my mind set to it so that’s a step, and I know I have a problem with it, I let myself go and went down the wrong road, I’m not sure what to do, either wait 4-5 days and end up in the hospital I’m 21 in case you are wondering, been drinking since 17, alcoholics on both sides of my family, I was doomed to be one but I didn’t think I would get this bad..Anyways does anyone have any suggestions, something to slow down the process, so maybe I don’t end up in DT in the hospital, pffff, I might not have provided enough info but if anyone has any advice that would be great, thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Ron
I work in an alcohol rehab clinic in the UK so I can give you the help you need, I’m also a recovered alcoholic in my 6th year of sobriety thanks to .

We use the AA program in our rehab centre but you can recover from alcoholism by going to AA meetings and following their program without the expense of going into rehab.

First of all it can be quite dangerous going ‘cold turkey’ it can lead to fits which can be fatal.

In rehab we give newcomers Librium in decreasing doses over 10 – 14 days, this helps the body to adjust slowly, we also give vitamin B because this important vitamin is depleted by alcohol abuse.

I suggest you see your doctor first, be 100% honest with him, most people with alcohol problems lie to their doctor which doesn’t help either of you.

You’re not doomed to be an alcoholic, if you follow the AA program you need never drink again, that’s a promise.

There are many ways to find your nearest AA meeting, the web, telephone directory or your doctor, if you need any further advice you’re welcome to email me privately and confidentially.

Answer by Salt and Peppy
You should see a doctor before quitting.

Alcohol is the only drug that can kill you if you quit cold turkey.

Alcohol mimics GABA receptors in your brain. If you drink enough, your brain says “oh, there is plenty of GABA,” and begins to make less of it. Pretty soon, if you keep drinking, your brain will quit making GABA, altogether, because it thinks you have an excess.

Then, if you quit, cold turkey, suddenly your brain realizes that there is no GABA at all, and it cannot make more fast enough to keep you alive.

There is more to it than that, but that’s basically the jist of it. Call your doctor. Good luck!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Florence Police Report 12/27/12
The driver was released to a family member and was advised of a rehab center the driver could be taken to. Tuesday, Dec. 4. An Arizona State Prison … The officer made the first male pour out his open container of alcohol. The officer located the … Read more on TriValley Central

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