Re John the Baptist’s Counsel, “Produce Fruits Worthy of Repentance”, How Have You Done This?
Question by Life Forevermore: Re John the Baptist’s counsel, “produce fruits worthy of repentance”, how have you done this?
Knowing the Biblical meaning of repentance – to transform, how have you transformed in the renewing of your mind?
Is repentance a one-time experience for you, or not? Please explain.
Anything other than personal experience is of little use here. Thanks
Best answer:
Answer by Jason
How do you get to be a “Top contributor”?
Answer by Jennifer
John the Baptist was talking to the Pharisees when he said this. The fruit worthy of repentance is having faith alone in Jesus Christ. That’s IT!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Christian Book Review: Introduction to Biblical Counseling by John MacArthur, Wayne A. Mack – This is the summary of Introduction to Biblical Counseling by John MacArthur, Wayne A. Mack.
Tags: jesus christ, biblical counseling, introduction to biblical counseling