Rehabilitation Center Physical Therapy: Rehabilitation of Body: Physical Therapy
At some point in life, many people seek the help of physical therapy for rehabilitation. This can be for a number of reasons, such as an injury or surgery. The definition of physical therapy is the treatment of a disease, injury, or medical condition by physical methods such as massage, heat treatment, and exercise rather than taking medications or undergoing surgery. In many instances, a patient may find medicine did not help their physical ailment. Also, a patient may need to receive physical therapy as a result of surgery.
In some states, such as New Jersey, a patient can seek physical therapy without a doctor’s prescription. An exception to this rule is anyone involved in a worker’s compensation case or an automobile accident will need a prescription. Also, physical therapy is covered under most insurance plans, which is great news for patients living in cities like Somerdale, Atlantic City, and Cherry Hill, NJ, which have a lot of drivers, and therefore, a number of automobile accidents. Many people wish to participate in a physical therapy program once injured in an accident.
Physical therapy can actually help patients recover from a number of different physical ailments. Some of the many conditions physical therapy patients suffer from include:
Work-related injuries
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Syndrome
Sports injuries
Chronic pain
Muscle weakness
Pre-surgical rehabilitation
Post-surgical rehabilitation
Strains and sprains
Neurological disorders
Vestibular disorders
Balance problems
When looking for the best Physical Therapist in the area, always check to make sure he or she is certified.
A Physical Therapist should be a member of the American Physical Therapy Association. Each state has different standards for certification. Physical Therapists usually have a degree in Physical Therapy or a close related subject.
After deciding on a physical therapy center, patients should always prepare for the visit prior to arrival. In most cases, the office will send medical paperwork to fill out before the first appointment. This gives the Physical Therapist a way to evaluate all medical conditions and determine a good plan of care for the patient. Also, other items that should be taken to the first visit are the insurance card, photo ID, any X-rays the patient may have, a list of medications the patient takes regularly, and a doctor’s prescription if required. Also, the patient should wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing for the first visit, as well as each subsequent appointment.
The Physical Therapist will evaluate the patient during the first visit. This process is called a Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE). During this assessment, the patient’s physical tolerance abilities for endurance, speed, flexibility, and muscle strength will be tested. Based on the FCE and the patient’s medical records, the Physical Therapist will then decide on a plan of care for the patient. A schedule for the patient, as well as determining the methods of physical therapy that will best help the patient are determined at that time. The Physical Therapist should also be able to give a general idea on how long the physical therapy will take before the patient will recover or at least see progress. It is important to remember that physical therapy takes effort not only from the staff at the physical therapy office, but from the patient as well to see the best results.
If you are in need or interested in physical therapy or rehabilitation for your body, please consider Physical Therapy cherry hill NJ center Fast Track Physical therapy.
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Tags: functional capacity evaluation, physical therapist, vestibular disorders