Signs of Alcoholism: Interrupting the Signs of Alcoholism Will Protect You From Living With an Alcoholic

There are signs of alcoholism you must identify in order to avoid living with an alcoholic. No child ever says “When I grow up I want to be an alcoholic” – or marry one. Yet, too many people today find themselves either having an alcohol abuse addiction or living with an alcoholic. Alcoholism mainly develops gradually and undetected until later stage when life “suddenly” becomes a nightmare. However, there are many signs of alcoholism you can watch for that indicate possible .

One of the first signs of alcoholism is a high tolerance for alcohol. This can indicate that an individual has a genetic predisposition to alcoholism. If your loved one is capable of drinking until dawn, you may end up living with an alcoholic later in life if early alcoholic intervention does not take place.

In the beginning when most people start drinking, it takes only little to get the effect of the alcohol. Over time, they need more and more alcohol to achieve the same buzz. Even without the genetic disposition, this type of drinker can develop other signs of alcoholism as their alcohol tolerance increases.

If that person has begun drinking alone, drinking secretly or making excuses to drink, you are right to be worried as these, in combination with others, are signs of alcoholism. There is a difference between a reason and an excuse. Reasons are reasonable. An excuse is what the alcoholic will intentionally create to justify drinking. A common excuse from those with an alcohol addiction is “I’ve had a hard day, I deserve this drink!” but it never stops at one drink as the alcoholic empties one glass – or bottle – after another. There is also “You don’t know what my work is like! Drinking helps me deal with my problems!” This leads to the opposite outcome where the alcoholic avoids dealing with his or her life and culminates with you living with an alcoholic.

Other signs of alcoholism includes your loved one has been in trouble for an alcohol-related crime yet continues to drink. According to many treatment centers and mental health experts, this is one of the classic signs of alcoholism. Drinking and driving is one of the most common legal struggles that alcoholics get involved in.

You may be living with an alcoholic if your loved one has an inability to moderate or stop drinking. Perhaps the person have genuinely intended to stop drinking for periods of time in the past but just could not stay away from the alcohol. Or, when one glass leads to another and then a few empty bottles later, it may be followed by violent episodes… yet another of many signs of alcoholism. If you, or your children, are victims of violence, it is critical that you protect yourself (and the children) and leave until it is safe to return!

If you observe these various signs of alcoholism in your loved one, you are right to be concerned and you do need to take action now to avoid ending up living with an alcoholic. Get to know the other signs of alcoholism and learn more about how to help yourself when living with an alcoholic so you can change the situation before it becomes much worse.

Intercepting the signs of alcoholism in their early stages of appearance protects you from ending up living with an alcoholic later on in your life. No matter how advanced the situation is you must take action now. If you treat it as if you already are living with an alcoholic you will have huge advantage and be very effective in dealing with any signs of alcoholism in your home. Read more about it here =>

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How To Detect the Signs Of Alcoholism – Expand the description and view the text of the steps for this how-to video. Check out Howcast for other do-it-yourself videos from Equilibrio and more videos in the Alcoholism category. You can contribute too! Create your own DIY guide at or produce your own Howcast spots with the Howcast Filmmakers Program at Not all alcoholics fit the stereotype of the down-and-out drunk. Learn to recognize the warning signs in yourself or a loved one. To complete this How-To you will need: Reflection Observation skills Honesty Step 1: Weigh the importance of alcohol to you or a loved one. Is there a general preoccupation with drinking, like when, where, and with whom the next round will begin? Is it difficult to stop drinking once it starts, or to stick to a limit? Is a life without drinking impossible to imagine? Step 2: Consider how much alcohol is consumed. Does drinking take place on a daily basis? Is binge drinking — more than five drinks in one sitting — a commonplace event? Do hangovers and blackouts occur frequently? Tip: The compulsion to finish every drink — and even other people’s — is a red flag. Step 3: Examine the motives for drinking. Using alcohol as a mood enhancer or coping mechanism is common among alcoholics. Step 4: Think about the guilt, if any, associated with drinking. Have there been promises to cut down? Lies told about the amount consumed, or about drinking altogether? Step 5: Measure tolerance for alcohol. Being able to


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