Solutions to Addiction Treatment and Drug Rehab
Solutions to addiction treatment and drug rehab –
Los Angeles Lakers: Rock Bottom
I'd written an article for the game, so I opted for a drink away from Staples Center, downtown Los Angeles and the sports media. This loss needed to settle. I needed to go to a place and allow the loss to exist outside of the Staples Center statistics … Read more on NBC Southern California (blog)
Governor's budget proposes funding to improve Drug Medi-Cal oversight
Ted Lieu, a Los Angeles County Democrat, said he was pleased the governor's budget beefed up staff to battle Drug Medi-Cal fraud. Last year, Lieu called for an independent state audit of Drug Medi-Cal in response to the CIR/CNN investigation. He said … Read more on Center For Investigative Reporting
Tags: los angeles, southern california, drug rehab, staples center, center for investigative reporting, los angeles lakers, addiction treatment