Speed & Politics: An Amphetamine Political Economy

Speed & politics: an amphetamine political economy
To determine what amount of what drugs- MDMA, LSD, any benzodiazapines, amphetamine, opiate- he should ingest, on what days, to minimize anxiety and boredom for himself and others, he'd edited the seven-page itinerary from his publisher to fit on one … Read more on libcom.org (blog)

Postpartum depression – symptoms, causes and treatment
Multiple pregnancies: If you had a painful delivery and labour coupled with anxiety and panic attacks during pregnancy you are bound to face the bouts of depression. A subsequent pregnancy will only add to the stress and up the chances of the condition … Read more on India.Com Health

In Treating Mental Anguish Let's Not Forget Worshiping God, Says Pastor
"Please don't misunderstand, I'm not discounting the deep emotional and psychological pain associated with depression and anxiety, but I do want to remind you that God makes provision for all of our needs. There may be a time and a place for medication … Read more on


What is Anxiety Disorder? Medication Vs Alternative Treatment For Anxiety Disorders – LINK HERE: http://www.panicattackscure.org FOR MORE INFO | What is Panic Disorder? Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder and is characterized by unexpected a…


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