Springfield Alcohol Drug Rehab Announces Residential Treatment Expansion
Springfield Alcohol Drug Rehab Announces Residential Treatment Expansion
Initially, people will come into drug treatment either on their own or at the urging of family members. The center understands how overwhelming an idea of getting clean and sober from drugs and alcohol for good can be. In our expanded program, the … Read more on Broadway World
Heroin abuse spreads misery across America
A local rehab facility has a six-month wait. … It remains a small part of America's drug problem; cocaine, Ecstasy, painkillers and tranquilizers are all used more, and the latest federal overdose statistics show that in 2010 the vast majority of … Read more on Daily Union
RI outlines plan to deal with drug overdose epidemic
At the Anchor Recovery Community Center, more than 100 people came to share their stories and talk about solutions. "I never felt normal. I always felt different from everybody else," said Abbie Stenberg, a former addict. Stenberg said she's lucky to … Read more on Turn to 10
Tags: drug overdose, drugs and alcohol, family members, alcohol drug, heroin abuse