Stress Relief Meditation to Get Rid of Tension, Depression, Stress & Confusion
Stress Relief Meditation to get rid of Tension, Depression, Stress & Confusion – Simple yet power video to boost memory power tremendously. Just listen to this video minimum once a day. Although in hindi language, this video works wonders…
by B Tal
Smartphone Apps Diagnosing Depression
Over a ten week run the app logged student data and found levels of stress and depression linked to the student's variant lifestyles over the course of their trials. Dartmouth professor Andrew Campbell leading the research program took note of the … Read more on Guardian Liberty Voice
Q&A about mental health: Local experts offer their advice, guidance
Academic stress in itself was not a major factor. For most of these young people (as is true nationally) depression, anxiety, sleep problems and severe distress about relationship issues, life transitions, and other aspects of mental health were key … Read more on Palo Alto Online
Dr. Angelos Halaris awarded for outstanding contributions to psychiatry
Stress is the key to understanding the association between depression and heart disease. Stress can lead to depression, and depression, in turn, is a major stress factor. The body's immune system fights stress as it would fight a disease or infection. Read more on Phys.Org
Tags: heart disease, mental health, diagnosing depression, stress relief