Suggest a Good Help Book or Ideas???? ANYTHING!!!!?

Question by help*w*answer: Suggest a good help book or ideas???? ANYTHING!!!!?
I’m 3 months pregnant and my fiance and I are having problems. He’s just not grasping (I don’t want to say understand I don’t expect him to understand) the whole pregnancy. He thinks him staying away is better than being around because he makes me angry and we fight a lot! My emotions are reactions to some things he wont let go. This was an unexpected pregnancy, but we were both very excited. Does anybody know of any good books. He had heard of one but doesn’t remember the name. We’re seperated now and he doesn’t want to budge and I want things to work and think they can we’re just running out of ideas especially since he won’t budge on what I call “unhealthy” living lifestyles. Especially when our child gets here.
So anything to help him understand what and why I am the way I am and help him understand what I’m going through. Thanks a million!!!!
We are seperated at the moment. :(
Already have what to expect when your expecting

Best answer:

Answer by chiefs fan
What to expect when your expecting not really sure who the author is however maybe you and your fiancee should read it together so you know what to expect and so does he. Good luck and God bless

Answer by TNTMA
Hi there. I’m so sorry you guys are going through such a rough spot at the moment. This isn’t a pregnancy book, but is an excellent marriage or relationship book that was originally recommended to us by the pastor who officiated our marriage. I think it’s by a Christian writer, but I’m Jewish and had no trouble following it and applying the suggestions/information. It’s called, “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman. Basically, it says that we all have different ways that we give/receive love, and learning those love languages can help us show love to our partners in a way that makes sense to them. For example, my hubby receives/understands love by “Acts of Service” which refers to things like cooking, cleaning, chores, etc. If I really want to show I love him, I can do those extra things like making the bed everyday, keeping the house neat, and so on. I am a “Quality Time” person, so for me the best thing he can do to show love is to take me/the family on outings, set up dates for us to do things together, spend extra time talking to me when he gets home, etc. Once you figure out your partners love language you can do specific things for them that will really make them feel “loved”. For example, for some people getting flowers may not seem as romantic and thoughtful as it would to someone whose love language is “Gifts.” I would highly recommend your fiancee read this book too, but at least you can start and hopefully this will motivate him to do the same.

Also, I don’t know how salvagable you feel your relationship is, but consider it a warning that you guys are fighting alot at this stage. Maybe that’s a sign that you shouldn’t be getting married to this man. I know you have a child now to think about, but you have to consider what kind of environment this child will be coming into. I would highly recommend some counseling to help work out some of the issues you are currently going through. They may seem brought on by the pregnancy, but I bet they have been underlying all along and would have come to the table sooner or later. Good luck to you and your family!

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