Suspect Indicted in W.Va. Sheriff's Slaying
Suspect indicted in W.Va. sheriff's slaying
Southern Highlands Community Mental Health Center CEO Judy Akers says the clinic in WelchMore >>. WELCH, W.Va. (AP) — A new drug treatment clinic in McDowell County has a waiting list of more than 140 people. Southern Highlands Community Mental … Read more on WVVA TV
How did Denver's 4/20 marijuana day turn violent?
With the Boston Marathon's recent experience in mind, there had been increased police presence as tens of thousands of pot smokers and others gathered in Denver's Civic Center for the worldwide event held every April 20th. "It was peaceful; everybody … Read more on
Program helps men overcome addictions
I didn't really believe in anything.” Teen Challenge started in the 1950s and focused on teenagers. The residential program, which has expanded to 195 centers, is now for men 18 and older who have life-controlling problems, including drugs, alcohol … Read more on Mansfield News Journal
Why are Treatment Centers so Expensive? – “Why is treatment for eating disorders so expensive? Is it really worth all that money?” Answered by Ward Keller, Founder, Remuda Ranch.
Tags: treatment center, eating disorder, mental health, remuda ranch, treatment centers, mental health center, boston marathon