alcoholic anonymous

Alcohol Addiction Treatment Programs: Alcoholism Addiction Treatment

...  that you can do if you are to overcome Alcoholism. The treatments that have worked for many are:   1. Alcoholics Anonymous– Having a support group with a twelve-step program is always a good idea when you are an alcoholic. The support you get with alcoholics anonymous is worth everything you put into it. If there is no desire to change the behavior, it is impossible to help you overcome your addiction.    2. Rehab Centers– When you have no success with the programs that alcoholic anonymous offer, there is another step that you can take. Rehab Centers or “Detox” centers help you get rid of the use of alcohol. Granted, alcoholism is never cured unfortunately, but it can be treated. Rehab centers are there when you cannot do it by yourself.   3. Medications– When rehab centers and alcoholics anonymous classes fail, there is always the medicine route. With different medicines helping many people fight off the temptations of alcohol and the ...


  Jayme – Jayme is a past client of Center for Solutions, an in patient alcohol and drug treatment facility in Cando, ND.   Hamill: Chiara de Blasio's substance abuse admission an inspiration to … This was a happy ending in a family touched by the cruel finger of addiction. He felt zero shame. The only shame connected to addiction is not doing something about it. There is no shame in saving your own life. His daughter's smiling counselor watched … Read more on New York Daily News Read more... ...

How Does Alcoholic Anonymous Work?

...  by ***Cassiopeia: How does Alcoholic Anonymous work? Best answer: Answer by GOLDEN join and find out. Answer by deannaBEARRhere at kaiser they run AA meetings. all they do is walk in, one person grabs the sign in and they go to the meeting. easy huh? lol. personally i dont know what they talk about but whatever it is, it helps them out. or at least over they do. they always seem so happy. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!   Read ...

Eating Disorder Help?

Question by Ashley W: Eating disorder help? I am 17 and bulimic. I need to find either free/inexpensive eating disorder help in Central New York. as of now our family is in the midst of getting insurance which makes it tough. any help is appreciated. Best answer: Read more... ...

Book Review: The Trip to Echo Spring: Why Writers Drink, by Olivia Laing

...  review: The Trip to Echo Spring: Why Writers Drink, By Olivia Laing At times she leaves the biographical trail, and her smoothly-flowing prose, tuned to the landscape and consciousness of her writers, plunges off into the "science" of addiction. In New York she attends an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting, visits the … Read more on The Independent Tags: alcoholic anonymous, new york ...

Risks of Drinking Alcohol: Drinking Too Much Alcohol Affects Your Life Insurance Rate

Does the amount of alcohol you drink affect your life insurance rates? While life insurance companies may not be primarily concerned with how much alcohol you drink, they are definitely concerned about any adverse effects your drinking may have on your health. Heavy drinking as a lifestyle may lead to chronic health concerns such as heart disease, stroke, depression, dementia, liver and gastrointestinal problems. Read more... ...

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers in Pa: Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers

Being an addict leaves an individual in constant turmoil, whether, the addiction is an alcohol addiction, or a drug addiction. There is not one addict that does not want to quit. An addiction has a harmful effect on not only the individual, but the family and friends of the addict, as well. In time, the addiction begins to completely control their lives, and you will find that it can possess a high level of risk to the individual, both emotionally and physically. There are millions of American’s that are struggling to overcome a drug addiction or alcoholism. There are also millions of American’s that have overcome their addictions. Whether you are an addict, or you know someone that is suffering with addiction, the time to take action is now. There is a variety of information out there, but, likely one of the best support and therapeutic resources for the addict is a rehab center. Through a rehab center the addict has the specialized care and counsel that they need for the ...