Christian Drug Treatment Centers: Getting Help From Christian Drug Rehab Treatment Centers
Addiction can be caused by several things such as an inability to face the pain one feels about certain things that may have taken place in the past or even chemical imbalances in the brain that create an addict in the first place. For these addicts, the right choice for rehabilitation may be a Christian drug rehab center. There are several ways for a religion-based treatment center to appeal to those who feel they have lost their way. It is all a matter of letting the addict know that God is not punishing him and that the addiction comes from other influences and really it has nothing to do with God. Read more... ...
Christian Recovery Counseling
Christian CounselingChristian Counseling Certification Level 1: Licensing with an Organization the necessary path to recovery from the view of a person who has had problems with addictions. … Document Viewer WHAT IS CHRISTIAN COUNSELING? By Ned Stringham, Ph.D. In …WHAT IS CHRISTIAN COUNSELING? by Ned Stringham, Ph.D. In order to answer this question, it is necessary to begin by describing what Christian counseling is The original principles of the recovery movement were actually inspired by the Bible. … Access This Document Read more... ...