Therapy for Anxiety: Therapy Treatment for Anxiety and Panic Attacks
For some whose panic attacks are no longer easily mitigated, they may be better of asking help from the experts like psychiatrists. But then, there are some who have reservations because they equate visit to psychiatrist as going in an asylum for the insane. Remember that anxiety is more of a psychological disorder. Like physical disease, there are treatments for anxiety. People who think they have anxiety disorders need to be diagnosed officially by a psychiatrist. In this way, the psychiatrist can evaluate what kind of treatment or therapy he or she will use on the patient. Read more... ...
What Does It Feel Like to Have a Nervous Breakdown?
by Life Mental Health Question by Cosmic Magnet: What does it feel like to have a nervous breakdown? It seems like a kind of vague idea even medically, and I can’t find a definitive list of “symptoms” or what exactly happens when someone goes through a nervous breakdown. What is it like? How long does it last? If you feel comfortable sharing: has you or anyone you know gone through this? What was it like for you/them? Did you need to be hospitalized? How soon did things get better? Were you left shaken after the experience? Read more... ...