auburn university

Weekender Entertainment Calendar

Weekender Entertainment Calendar Five Sets Five Reps, relief-like paintings by Joseph Montgomery, through April 7, 2014. MASS MoCA's galleries are open … 15 and by appointment. THE VIEWPOINT GALERY, Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital, 1270 Belmont Ave., Schenectady. 386-3520. Read more on Troy Record Montgomery wellness calendar, Aug. 1 to 8, 2013 “Food Facts and Fallacies” talk A dietitian offers tips on fitness and weight management for all ages and health conditions. A program of MedStar Montgomery Medical Center. Friday, 9:30 a.m. Nutrition and Diabetes Center, 17735 Georgia Ave., Olney. Read more on Washington Post Read more... ...

Discharge Plan Reduces COPD, HF Readmissions

...  Plan Reduces COPD, HF Readmissions “I absolutely think this model could work for HF and COPD patients,” Dr. Jeffery said. “We need to catch COPD patients early, make sure they're on the right medications, they stop smoking and have training on the use of inhalers, diet and exercise.”. Read more on Pharmacy Practice News Adaptive fitness program finds home at Auburn University The program started with a study Auburn professor Yong Tai Wang read that stated that individuals in wheelchairs had severely weakened shoulder muscles. Wanting to test … “Exercise is important no matter what population you're in,” Dyke said. “My … Read more on Auburn Villager Read ...

Martin Trades Alcohol for Art Through New Life Recovery

...  trades alcohol for art through New Life Recovery Richard “Blue” Martin works on burning the outline of an Auburn University logo using only a magnifying glass. Since completing the Christian Mission's New Life Recovery Program, Martin has put his alcoholism behind him and now focuses his energy into … Read more on The Southeast Sun Alberta mulls new emissions rules to allay Keystone XL pipeline concerns Regional Vice President Stale Tungesvik said Statoil would continue to work to improve not only its oil recovery, but its carbon footprint as well. … The Christian Science Monitor ...