brain tumor

Brain Cancer Questions..?

Question by ellie: brain cancer questions..? if anyone could answer these questions that be really great: 1) how does brain cancer attack the body? 2) What type of cell it attacks? 3) How it affects on the cells? 4) Can it spread? 5)why or why now does it spread? 6) How does it spread? Best answer: Answer by redunicornThere are two types of brain tumors: primary brain tumors that originate in the brain and metastatic (secondary) brain tumors that originate from cancer cells that have migrated from other parts of the body. Read more... ...

ANN ARBOR: St. Joe's Holiday Ball Set to Dazzle Hundreds

...  injury, severe stroke or damage to the brain or spinal cord takes the absolute in comprehensive care. Each year … More information is also available at the event website: 1 … Read more on Heritage Newspapers Valley non-profit trains dogs to help people live independently After nearly two decades of suffering with no relief and no answers, a spinal tap revealed that LoCascio had not had a stroke; she was not depressed, nor did she have lupus or a brain tumor. She had MS, or multiple sclerosis, and her lifelong battle … Read more on East Valley Tribune Read ...