chemical imbalance

Senator Stabenow Champions Mental Health Care Initiative in Congress

Senator Stabenow champions mental health care initiative in Congress Diabetes and bipolar disorders are both chemical imbalances in different parts of the body. Both deserve treatment. People deserve to be able to get effective treatment for both. Both are treatable–both are treatable. The same is true for schizophrenia … Read more on GroundReport The Drugging of the American Boy They can bring on a bipolar condition in a child who didn't exhibit any symptoms of such a disorder before taking stimulants. They are associated with "new or worse aggressive behavior or hostility." They can … The Centers for Disease Control first … Read more on Esquire Read more... ...

Can Deep Depression Be Treated and “cured” Without Medical Help? How About Maniac Depression?

by oddsock Question by Brooke G: Can deep depression be treated and “cured” without medical help? How about maniac depression? If so, I need details. Best answer: Answer by TeriRNeither depression, nor bipolar disorder (manic depression) can be cured at all. They can, however be treated, and treatment should be under a doctor’s supervision. Read more... ...

Does Anyone Much About “Borderline Personallity Disorder”?

Question by scarlet: Does anyone much about “Borderline Personallity Disorder”? What are they like how do you live with them? Best answer: Answer by mustlovedogsTheir emotions go from extreme to extreme, usually, and they are difficult to live with because they can love you one minute and hate you the next. Answer by sugarnipple226What is Borderline Personality Disorder? The symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder can be summarized as instability in mood, thinking, behavior, personal relations, and self-image. Individuals with the disorder may: Read more... ...

What Can Treat Depression?

...  by Veronika: What can treat depression? I feel very depressed and isolated.I dont want to go counceling.I want to know what are the best anti stress pilss?maybe they can help me from isolation of people.One lady told me that st.john wort is good.Has anyone tried. Best answer: Answer by SiddovaIf you honestly have “Depression”, go to your medical doctor and tell him. Most common treatment is Prozac. Real depression is caused by chemical imbalance in your brain. Over the counter stuff is not going to help. See a doctor. Read ...

Do “Mental Illnesses” Really Exist?

by Newtown grafitti Question by ..: Do “mental illnesses” really exist? I don’t think they do. I think what exists is emotional pain, which people express in a variety of ways, like having mood swings (“depression”), being nervous (“anxiety disorder”), controlling food (“eating disorders”) etc. I don’t agree any of these are “illnesses” nor are they signs of an “unhealthy” mind – just a person who is suffering acutely because of bad things that have happened to them. Calling this an “illness” is like calling sadness an illness. What do you think? Best answer: Answer by BrittneyThey do trust Read more... ...

Drug Treatment Alcoholism: Advanced Treatment for Alcoholism

Since the early 1930’s with the dawn of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), treatment for alcoholism has existed mostly as counseling and peer support. Yet, while some people have been able to rehabilitate through this process, many people are not successful and find themselves relapsing over and over again. While Alcoholics Anonymous is well intentioned, and indeed has helped many people recover from alcoholism, it does not address the underlying cause of alcoholism for an individual. It does not address the physical, psychological, or neurological reason or reasons why an individual is abusing alcohol. Read more... ...

What Does “Chemical Imbalance” Mean and What Is the Link?

...  by : What does “chemical imbalance” mean and what is the link? Hi. I have tried really hard to search for the possible meanings of chemical imbalance. What comes up are diagrams of the neuron synapsis and information that there is something wrong with the balance of/or amount of neuron transmitters. However what is the link between this and depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and OCD? The information is very scarce. Please can you give me references to (scientific) articles that directly relates one of these mental disorders to shown differences/activity/structures in the brain. Best answer: Read ...