Christian Colleges That Offer Occupational Therapy?
... by Holly: christian colleges that offer Occupational Therapy? As I did some research for Occupational Therapy at a Christian college, I only found pre-occupational therapy. Are there any schools that just offer the Occupational Therapy five year plan? Also, for the pre-occupational therapy does that mean I would have my B.A in it and then switch to a graduate school? Best answer: Answer by MaryI am not sure of the answer but the list of all OT schools are listed at the professional organization of ...
Christian Counseling Programs: Christian Counseling Programs
There are numerous Christian counseling programs at reputable higher education institutions around the nation that can prepare you for a career and life as a Christian counselor. Before entering this professional field you will need to pinpoint a couple of schools to apply to, ranging from online institutions to large colleges to satellite campuses. You may also choose to stick with the bachelor’s degree, or you could have aspirations of getting a master’s or doctoral degree to take your career to new heights. There are benefits and drawbacks to each choice, but the rewards of a life serving your community in good faith make them all good choices in the end. Read more... ...