clarksville leaf chronicle

Sermon: The Hole in the Roof Gang

  Sermon: The Hole in the Roof Gang – Sermon preached on April 21, 2013 at St. Andrew’s Hespeler. Touches on helping people with depression.   Mentoring program helps mums in need "We help a lot of the mums keep off the drugs, you see a lot of mental health issues too, including bipolar and depression," she said. … What she and the other 12 mum mentors and the dad mentor had in common was a passion for nurturing and helping … Read more on Mackay Daily Mercury Read more... ...

Bowers Recounts Montgomery County's Growth, From Big Business to Schools

...  recounts Montgomery County's growth, from big business to schools “This year, we have something new coming to the airport – a runway expansion and apron rehabilitation project intended to allow for larger planes to land,” Bowers said. … Walls for the long-awaited nursing home are now in construction, and the … Read more on Clarksville Leaf Chronicle Tags: clarksville leaf chronicle, nursing home, montgomery county ...

St. Louis Lefty Found Right Fit at APSU

...  Louis lefty found right fit at APSU Stahl said the senior's strong work ethic and good potential should be a perfect fit at APSU, where he hopes to study to become a physical therapist. He recently added around 15-20 pounds to his 5-foot-10, 185-pound frame, and he's hoping to add more … Read more on Clarksville Leaf Chronicle Suffering from knee pain? Knee injuries can occur as the result of a direct blow or sudden movement that strains the knee beyond its normal range of motion, as can happen in sports, recreational activities, a fall, or a motor vehicle accident. Knee pain caused by an injury … Read more on Coeur d’Alene Press Read ...

To Help Typhoon Victims, Send Money, Not Stuff

...  Marasigan, as he prepares boxes for donated items for victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. The massive storm that hit the … Read more on Akron Legal News WorkForce Essentials recognizes area employers, residents Mike Milam, WIA Customer of the Year, second from left, is pictured with County Mayor George E. Clark, far left, Jodi Clark, career services director for Workforce Essentials, center; Desiree Dial, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor and Virginia … Read more on Clarksville Leaf Chronicle Read ...

Alcohol Rehab Tennessee: Guide on How to Get Auto Insurance Quotes for Tennessee

There a lot of car insurance companies in Tennessee and choosing the right one require a lot of time. The great thing is that you can easily get auto insurance quotes for Tennessee in just a matter of minutes. There are easy ways to get the most out of your auto insurance. The first golden rule is that everybody can enjoy affordable and outstanding service. Regardless what kind of job you have, you can get great service with rural pricing. A large portion of Tennessee is made out of farm lands and other agricultural businesses. This means, the pricing of the insurance premiums is relatively cheaper compared to the ones in the city. Read more... ...

Fort Campbell Psychiatrist Weighs in on PTSD/suicide Issue

...  Campbell psychiatrist weighs in on PTSD/suicide issue Leaf: Why is it that soldiers receiving treatment for sleeplessness, or who have sought other psychological treatment following deployments, often are not diagnosed with PTSD? Wise: The majority of soldiers deployed have an unstable sleep environment … Read more on Clarksville Leaf Chronicle CPAP therapy reduced nightmares in patients with PTSD, sleep apnea Continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, therapy reduced PTSD-associated nightmares in patients with sleep apnea who were being treated at a VA hospital, according to recent study results. “One out of six veterans suffers from PTSD, which affects … Read more on Healio Read ...

Making One More Drug Sale, Money Rock Meets the FBI

Making one more drug sale, Money Rock meets the FBI He told me he was a Christian, he had never sold drugs and that he wanted to open a drug rehab center in Charlotte. He also told me Big Lou was a lot like a dinosaur – big old body, little old brain. When I left that day, I pegged Money Rock as a smart … Read more on Charlotte Observer Read more... ...