eden hazard

Please Help Me Find Out What It Is?(Neuropathy or Something Else)?

Question by madhu v.g: Please help me find out what it is?(neuropathy or something else)? My grandpa,few months ago had slight loss of control over his toe of left leg only(no pain,no numbness just loss of control i.e movements are dead but he can feel touch,heat or anythind else).It started slowly upwards to the ankle and now he has lost control over his left leg but has feel.Recently he had some heart trouble like a mild attack without much of his knowledge.recently he also trembled dw times and had tough time when sleeping and also had trouble to breathe at times.His calf of the left leg is loose and cannot tighten or loosen his muscle.Note that his is not a diabetic patient nor with BP etc.,Doctors sugested that he has neuropathy(vasculite,don’t if that is the exact term but sure about doctor saying it as neuropathy).He had never had pain of any sort and only left leg is affected. Read more... ...