Judy Primm-Shimahara, Outpatient Therapist
... Primm-Shimahara, Outpatient Therapist – Judy Primm-Shimahara, outpatient therapist, provides a unique perspective to her patients in marriage and family therapy as well as alcohol and drug counseli… Rehab racket: Frauds, felons and fakes The clinic, reimbursed by taxpayers for each client it sees, offers in-person drug and alcohol counseling. And Able Family is thriving, according to its billing records. In real life, on this hazy Southern California day, business moves at a slower … Read more on CNN Read ...
SAGU Alumna Coordinates Mentoring Program for Dallas High-Risk Teens
by Penn Provenance Project SAGU alumna coordinates mentoring program for Dallas high-risk teens "For six months the girls receive family therapy, drug counseling, mentoring and other services. We work with the AimTruancy Solutions program to keep the girls in school. After six months of these services, mentees continue to be mentored for another … Read more on Focusdailynews Former counselor pleads guilty to murder Brown had claimed Townes startled him at Brown's Christian Counseling Center near Tabor City after hours. Earlier this year Brown was sentenced on federal wire fraud and arson charges. Investigators ...
What Are the Symptoms of Depression and When Should Drugs Be Used for Treatment?
Question by Crazy_person: What are the symptoms of depression and when should drugs be used for treatment? Like symptoms other than the obvious ones like feeling down. When does someone get the point where help from medication is needed. I know someone who is suffering from a form of depression but is worried that the antidepression tablets will have worse side effects. Its hard to know if its severe depression or even depression at all. Best answer: Answer by bostonchickWhen you stop doing the things you enjoy doing, and secluding yourself from your friends and the world, it’s time to get on medication. Read more... ...
How Do I Convince My Mom to Let Me Smoke Weed?
Question by Chris: How do I convince my mom to let me smoke weed? What would be the best way to get my mother’s “O.K.” for going out and smoking weed? Here’s a little background: I have been diagnosed with major depression (Major was his exact word) and anxiety disorder, and I feel that marijuana would help ease this I was going to use medical marijuana as an argument, but it was shot down pretty recently in my state (Iowa) I am in no way a “pot head” as I’ve only smoked a few times, however, when I do (if I do) I will actually laugh and feel happy (I know, that’s really cheesy) Read more... ...
Christian Drug Rehab in Florida: Treatment in Florida Drug Rehab
There are many great Florida drug rehabs that provide effect treatments and therapies for addicts. Through treatment that is tailored to individual needs, patients can learn to control their condition and live normal, productive lives. Like people with diabetes or heart disease, people in treatment for drug addiction learn behavioral changes and often take medications as part of their treatment regimen. Read more... ...
Incontinence Risk Remains High After Burch Procedure – Medscape
... of stress urinary incontinence at the time of urethropexy appeared to involve no clinically significant trade-offs. Ingrid Nygaard … "It doesn't look like the best results, and I would have liked them to be better," Marie Paraiso … Read more on Medscape National Stress Awareness Month: Stress–relief after tragedy Carrie Krawiec, a marriage and family therapist at Birmingham Maple Clinic and executive director of the Michigan Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, said in an email that stress can sometimes worsen depression and anxiety, which leads to a … Read more on Fox News Read ...
Multidimensional Family Therapy Part 3
... Family Therapy Part 3 – WV legislative session dealt with several legal industry bills Members of the King Coal Highway Authority were in Washington on Thursday and asked West Virginia's congressional delegation for federal funding for various segments of the highway. …. It also would exempt parole officers from prohibitions against … Read more on WTRF Authorities investigating suspicious fire in Gallia County The 24-year-old said that in the three weeks since having ...