medical detoxification

I Need Info From Anyone That Has Detoxed Themself Off of Crack, I Am Trying to Help a Loved One to Get Off It.

Question by ykingrea: i need info from anyone that has detoxed themself off of crack, i am trying to help a loved one to get off it. i am helping my sister get off crack and really need as much advise as i can get from anyone who has done it or helped someone else. any info or advise about things that are helpful during this process, tonight is the first night that we are starting and i really don’t know much about what i am up against. so symptoms, things to help or anything at this point. thanks Read more... ...

Christian Drug Rehab in Florida: Studies Show Christian Drug Rehabs in Florida Have the Top Programs

In recent years, Christian drug rehabs have increased in popularity, and many addicts wonder what all the fuss is about. Studies have shown that Christian drug rehabs in Florida have the top programs for addiction treatment. Christian drug treatment centers help addicts find peace and heal from the damaging effects of drug and alcohol addiction. Christian drug rehabs in Florida, like The Road Less Traveled program, strive to encourage addicts on their journey to recovery by developing an intimate and personal relationship with God. Read more... ... Website Launches to Help Alcoholics Safely Detox and Website Launches to Help Alcoholics Safely Detox and … This, they say, is where it becomes imperative to get a client into a detox and rehabilitation program as quickly as possible. One spokesman for the site explains that in some cases, alcohol withdrawal and detoxification can be extremely dangerous for … Read more on PR Web (press release) Tanning mom ordered to detox – but not for her addiction to sunbeds! Patricia … Go to jail for public intoxication or spend thirty hours drying out at a detox facility. She had yet to return to the home she shares in Nutley, NJ with husband Richard on Saturday. He said he wasn't with her at the airport but expected her home by Monday. Read more on Daily Mail Read more... ...

What Kind of Physician Should I See About a Vicodin Addiction?

Question by Shell Laylee: What kind of physician should I see about a Vicodin addiction? I’m a 22 year old female trying to kick a 2 year long vicodin addiction. I’m not sure what kind of physician to see or where to go. There are outpatient clinics that specialize in addiction and I also have a psychiatrist but both of whom are unable to see me for another month. Is there any way that a family practitioner or a pain specialist could help me out? If so, how do u think they would go about treatment? Any advice is appreciated, much love Read more... ...

Cure Alcohol Abuse Today… Fresh Start Private

...  Alcohol Abuse Today… Fresh Start Private – Fresh Start Private alcohol treatment clinics. Alcohol abuse, as described in the DSM-IV, is a psychiatric diagnosis describing the recurring use of alcoholi…   Oklahoma City Council approves plans for drug and alcohol treatment center Plans call for 44 beds, with some private rooms and others with space for up to four people. The building is to have a common dining area. The center would provide medical detoxification for drugs and alcohol, and inpatient and outpatient services. Read more on Read ...

Lindsay Lohan to Enter 90-Day "Lock Down" Rehab – Will It Work?

Lindsay Lohan To Enter 90-Day "Lock Down" Rehab – Will It Work? The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) joined together a few years ago to try to change that with a public health campaign centered around a documentary, Addiction, that aired on … Read more on Forbes Indian River County drug experts discuss drug abuse problems One of the groups that operates adolescent residential treatment centers is the Drug Abuse Treatment Association, which has the Norman C. Hayslip Center in Fort Pierce and the Walter D. Kelly Center in West Palm Beach. Walton Stoudenmire, the … Read more on TCPalm Read more... ...

Aminokit: Addiction Explained Part 1

...  Addiction Explained part 1 – Aminokit Labs believes in treating addiction’s psychological AND biochemical hold on an individual. Aminokit uses a patented blend of nutraceuticals administered inpatient or outpatient. Intravenous and oral supplement formulas utilized during medical detoxification restore balance to the brain minimizing all withdraws and eliminating cravings long term. Acupuncture, massage therapy, as well as traditional psychotherapy are among several other modalities that are used during the recovery process. Our program also offers DUI/DWAI/DV/MIP classes. We are a nationally respected comprehensive diagnostic drug and alcohol treatment clinic.   Read ...