natural cures

Do You Believe That Microwaving Food Is Dangerous to Your Health?

...  by matchcom: Do you believe that microwaving food is dangerous to your health? I read the book Natural Cures advertised on tv and Trudeau says that microwaves change the molecular structure of food in such a way that it is very harmful to your body. This is not his original idea, it has been going around for years. Best answer: Answer by sony93931no I dont if they where really harmful they would of been pulled off the market along time ago Answer by jimlive247Microwaving only excites the molecules in food to cause them to heat up. There is no hard proof that there is any danger. Read ...

Natural Cures for Depression: the Most Effective Natural Cures for Depression

...  can deal with depression if we know the exact causes and the most effective natural cures for depression to overcome it. The number of cases has increased exponentially over the last few decades and will eventually become a global mental pandemic if not treated at the root cause. Causes of Depression Read ...

Is There Anything You Can Take for Anxity Besides Anxity Meds That Really Work and Let You Sleep?

...  by jj: Is there anything you can take for anxity besides anxity meds that really work and let you sleep? Best answer: Answer by VahidTry valerian tea. And, avoid spicy food. Answer by Rock GoddessIf you’re not allergic to Benadryl, that helps a good deal. Add your own answer in the comments!     What Causes Panic Attacks? Natural Cures For Anxiety – How To Stop Panic Attacks: The website above leads to a website and program that will help you to stop panic attacks. Read be…   Tags: natural cures for anxiety, panic attacks, panic attack, natural cures ...

American College of Physicians Urges Stricter Controls to Address Prescription

American College Of Physicians Urges Stricter Controls To Address Prescription … Alternative treatments for anxiety in the acute phase would be ideal, Kean explains. “ You could use high doses of the SSRIs for anxiety disorder, or medications such as Gabapentin (Neurontin) or even Hydroxyzine (Vistaril). The bottom line is that … Read more on Forbes Resuscitating the Patient-Physician Relationship. In the past few years, I have found myself in the odd position of treating more depression and anxiety for the shared symptoms of chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations. Within my exam rooms there is an outbreak of overwhelming misery. There is … Read more on The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A. Read more... ...

Natural Cures for Anxiety – Start Learning About Natural Cures for Anxiety

  Natural Cures For Anxiety – Start Learning About Natural Cures For Anxiety – LINK HERE: FOR MORE INFO | What is Panic Disorder? Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder and is characterized by unexpected a…   Battling The Holiday Buldge Use natural calming supplements to manage the holiday stress response. Examples include Green tea (which contains the amino acid Theanine, also found in the Suntheanine supplement – to improve relaxation), Magnolia bark (a traditional Chinese anti … Read ...

Alcohol Remedies: Quotes on Change and Philosophical Quotes

Hold your course and pause for a tiny moment to consider this. Throughout centuries, great minds have relentlessly pondered the ageless same questions that both you as well as I are still confronted with today. On innumerable occasions, I have had the good fortune to discover that some of the most distinctly clearest thoughts do not necessary lie in engrossing volumes and annals of universally admired great works produced by likes of true geniuses such as Plato, Socrates, Nietzsche, I Ching, or even Descartes, but more so in their remarkable and succinct quotations as well as wise sayings. Read more... ...

Natural Cures That They Dont Want You to Know. Any Truth About Natural Cures?

...  by ELITE DONDOLOGY: Natural Cures That They Dont Want You to Know. Any Truth About Natural cures? I see the advertisement all the time on TV. Is there anything like natural cures? Best answer: Answer by TeriRThere are many good “natural” treatments. The problem with many of the so-called natural cures is that unscrupulous people claim that they can cure conditions and diseases that are NOT curable. Sad. Answer by TPhiThat book didn’t get very good ratings on from the people who actually bought it, so don’t waste your money. If you want to ...