psychotic symptoms

Health: Alcoholism: Diagnosis and Treatment

  Health: Alcoholism: Diagnosis and Treatment – What are the symptoms of alcoholism? When should you worry? Our panel of experts will discuss the causes and warning signs of alcoholism and how to recognize them in yourself.   PTSD treatment showing promise The procedure is meant to numb nerves in the neck that can cause physical arousal and therefore allow patients to feel more calm and decrease the symptoms of PTSD. “Those three weeks, I was not angry, I was not anxious, I didn't seek alcohol, and I was … Read more on U-T San Diego Read more... ...

How Safe , Is the Medication,”Clozaril” , for Bipolar With Psychotic Symptoms?

...  by : How safe , is the medication,”Clozaril” , for Bipolar with Psychotic symptoms? Best answer: Answer by iltmaemcI do not know. But I would recommend to stay away from drugs. side effect could cause worse problems. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!     Experience with Bipolar Medication – In which Bekah makes a video response to Philip DeFranco (sxephil) about the medication, Risperdal. Video response to:   What Does Bipolar Disorder Really Look Like? Filed under: bipolar medication Read ...