self control

Drugs, Alcohol Often Used on Mines to Cope With Pressures of Daily Life

...  to cope with pressures of daily life JOHANNESBURG ( – Drug and alcohol abuse among mineworkers is an ongoing battle, as drugs are often used as a coping mechanism to deal with stress, unhappiness or the pressures of daily life, drug and alcohol testing distributor … Read more on Creamer Media’s Mining Weekly Comments on other issues:The alcohol industry, the liquor Frankly, the idea of banning alcohol is an insult to Muslims, as it assumes Muslims have no self control. Wrong. Good Muslims are always strong enough to avoid alcohol. The same idea being true for Catholics who see contraceptives openly on sale while … Read more on Jakarta Post Read ...

Drug Rehab Intervention: Self Intervention – Breaking Yourself Free From Drugs and Alcohol

Once a person realizes what they are doing to their body, and has not only admitted to their self that they have a problem, but are also tired of cycles and the frustrations that go along with “using”, they can indeed do a “self intervention”. There is no specified age or time for this to happen. Most people that end up with severe addiction problems started out when they were young, just “partying”. Usually when a person grows up and has children of their own, the “partying” slows down or comes to a halt for lack of funds and the need to be a proper role model. However, some people don’t make those changes as they mature, and they start to have problems that often “snowball” into divorce and bankruptcy. Read more... ...

Addiction Rehab Centers: Take Help From Addiction Rehab

If any member in your family is addicted, then seeking professional help from addiction rehabilitation centre is what you should do. Rehab centre is can help the addicted get out of his compulsive behavior and lead a normal life just like others. There are now a lot of rehab centers whose recovery programs can adapt the specific needs of an addict. A center of high quality can assure better results as it will help an addict form a resolution to change. n addict may be compared to a chemical that is amorphous and shapeless and then molded by the rehab center into a structured, crystalline form. This mutation is brought about by the following steps. Read more... ...

Addiction or Lack of Self Control?

...  by kanga: addiction or lack of self control? Alcoholic’s Anonymous believes that “you are powerless over alcohol” and that if you have a drinking problem, the only way to solve it is to never drink again. It is a “medical condition” or an “Allergy” to alcohol. Over the years this belief has become more and more popular, and as of now, it is so widely believed by society that it could almost qualify as a fact. Although there is little, if any, science to back this up. Read ...

How Can I Obtain Free Mental Health Care?

Question by Monjumbo: How can I obtain free mental health care? I have been unemployed for more the eight months. I have a few mental health issues that I need to be taken care of before I should be employed again. I have no issues that cause harm to myself or others, I just have difficultly with extreme mood changes and setting myself to lose another job. I can not keep a job long enough pay for mental care, so is there a place where I can get it for free, including drugs if applicable? Best answer: Read more... ...

What Should I Do if My Parent REFUSES to Get Me Help for My Depression?

Question by :): What should I do if my parent REFUSES to get me help for my depression? I’m aware that this is long but I’m desperate for someone to help me and I would greatly appreciate it if someone could provide me their advice or commentary. Read more... ...

Why Are People So Harsh Towards Amy Winehouse’s Death?

...  for being a druggie” or “if her family cared that much they would have stopped her, not wait until after she’s dead to start a rehab center” or “that’s one more talentless person gone from the earth” etc… yes, she was a drug addict and she could’ve changed her life around but it amazes me how we can have so much hate. i thought she had a wonderful voice and i liked some of her songs it’s just a shame that she didn’t have more self control. Read ...