suffering from depression

Depression Support Groups Online: Dealing With Depression Through Depression Support Groups

Depression is a deep state of withdrawal and stress that arises after one goes through an occurrence that puts great emotional stress on them. It is common among people who have experienced deaths, tragic accidents, suffering from fatal diseases or financial losses among other misfortunes. Depression can be a state that is quite hard to deal with as it may propel some people to hurt themselves or even commit suicide. There are different antidepressant medication offered but without the right kind of therapy, an individual may slip back into depression with time. The kind of therapy we are talking about is not lying on a couch talking to a psychiatrist about your feelings. Professional input is very valuable at such times but the most effective way of dealing with depression is getting help from a depression support group of people who can relate with what you are feeling. Read more... ...

Medications to Treat Depression: Medications to Treat Depression

...  buying medicine for depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) it is  very important to know about the medicines and how it works? If you are suffering from depression, anxiety, OCD and social anxiety disorder then you are highly advised not to take medications without the guidance of an expert medical practitioner. Experts agree that antidepressants are medicines that brings back certain chemicals present in the brain to normalcy. The chemicals are ternmed as neurotransmitters that controls the mood. Read ...

Treating Depression Without Medication: Can You Treat Depression by Yourself Without Medication?

...  (c) 2010 James Martin Life can become very difficult if you are suffering from depression. Depression can drain away most of your energy. You won’t feel the inclination or interest to do anything. First of all, it can drain away your energy. You will not want to take any positive steps towards improving your condition. Your self-esteem and confidence can nosedive when suffering from depression. You will feel that others do not have any sort of interest in you. You will think others don’t value and respect you. People who suffer from depression fall into 4 different categories as mentioned below: Read ...

Can Diet Help Depression and Anxiety?

...  Diet Help Depression and Anxiety? – Dr. Nancy White talks about factors that contribute to mental health issues. Find out how diet may be able to help.   by 3 0 d a g a r m e d a n a l h u s Girl's Family Hopes To Help Others Suffering From Depression Girl's Family Hopes To Help Others Suffering From Depression. It's not a disease you can spot on an X-ray, not a problem you can fix with a cast or a bandage. Each year, depression cripples, and even takes lives. Thursday is National Depression … Read more on CBS Local Read ...

I’m Depressed

...  Depressed –   Suffering from Depression? Silver Cross Offers Free Screening Treatment for depression can include counseling, medications, or both. If you take medication, you should begin to feel better within 4 to 6 weeks. Counseling can give you support and strategies for coping and learning new ways to think about … Read more on Tags: treatment for depression, suffering from depression ...

Coping With Depression: 5 Tips to Coping With Depression

Depression is a very real and can be a very debilitating disorder. For anyone that has never truly dealt with depression in a more advanced form, it can appear that those that are suffering more severely are merely acting in an inappropriate manner. But this could not be further from the truth. Read more... ...

Why Do I Have Depression When I Have Nothing to Feel Depressed About?

by Christiaan Tonnis Question by Its real for us.: Why do i have depression when i have nothing to feel depressed about? I have been diagnosed with severe depression which i know i have. I don’t enjoy doing anything anymore, i find it hard to mentally get out of bed in the morning, i have suicidal thoughts hourly and the lowest self esteem. I don’t know why though, i have a loving family, every materialistic thing i could ever want and despite being bullied last year and having little amount of friends i’m over it. But i feel so sad and so lonely, there’s a consistent weight on my heart and i feel fragile, almost. Read more... ...