Teacher's Aide Charged With Exposing Himself in Framingham Bookstore

Teacher's aide charged with exposing himself in Framingham bookstore
Police said that, at the police station, Kennedy admitted to exposing himself at the store, saying he was drunk, that he struggles with depression and knew what he did was wrong. Kennedy also told police he has publicly exposed himself several times … Read more on MetroWest

Al-Anon's message made life easier for wife of alcoholic
We had alcoholism in our family, and while I didn't drink myself, I was a prime candidate for depression, anxiety, over-eating, under-eating, and any other stress-related illnesses. My self-esteem plunged. Here I am giving all this wonderful advice … Read more on Auburn Citizen


Sarah Harding checks into rehab to deal with ‘alcohol and depression issues’ – Celebrity Newsbeat – Sarah Harding checks into rehab to deal with ‘alcohol and depression issues’, Simon Cowell and Cheryl Cole to meet face-to-face and more in today’s Celebrity Newsbeat. Splash is the leading independent entertainment news and picture agency in America. Splash brings the hottest, most up-to-date Hollywood stories and photos to millions of people round the world through their favourite newspapers, magazines and TV station. We don’t deal in gossip. We deal in fact. We have been credited with announcing some of the most memorable and controversial show biz stories to come out of Los Angeles in recent years. We cover the good, the bad and the very ugly. Find out more @: www.splashnews.com Follow us @: twitter.com www.facebook.com


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