The Surgeon General's Reports: 50 Years of Cessation Ignorance
The Surgeon General's Reports: 50 years of cessation ignorance
… the Surgeon General's Reports have been a missed opportunity to teach critical nicotine dependency recovery lessons, including how nicotine addiction is a brain dopamine pathway wanting disorder that's as real and permanent as alcoholism, that when … Read more on WhyQuit (press release)
American As Apple Pie
Among other invigorating contributions is one from Steven Wishnia, a frequent Indypendent contributor, who looks at how debilitating drug use or alcoholism could be handled from the standpoint of economic and social justice and harm reduction rather … Read more on The Indypendent
Obesity's 'Disease' Label May Demotivate Weight Loss, Make People …
The switch both raised eyebrows and relaxed shoulders, as critics argued the definition would further enable fat people, while apologists said the move was liberating for the obese. Amid all … Alcohol is not. This is why so many critics bristle at … Read more on Medical Daily
Psychiatry and Psychology – Part 4: Addiction Center – Dr. Daniel Hall-Flavin, Consultant in Addiction Psychiatry in Rochester, Minn., provides a brief introduction to the Addiction Center.
Tags: addiction psychiatry, weight loss, harm reduction, the addiction, nicotine addiction