The Time for Treatment Is Now!
The Time for Treatment is Now! – A quick message of encouragement from Shaul Austin at the Palm Beach Institute. Shaul says that the time for treatment for drug and alcohol addiction is ‘now…
Do 12-step programs work? New book weighs in
April 01, 2014|John Keilman. Addiction is difficult to treat under the best conditions, so it seems to me that even a 5 to 8 percent success rate for something that's free and open to all isn't so bad. Like anything else, (Nicholas Monu, E ) … The 12 … Read more on Chicago Tribune
Church brings program for addicts to Kingman
Celebrate Recovery deals with a wide variety of issues, including dependency on alcohol or drugs, pornography, low self-esteem, the need to control, depression, anger, co-dependency, fear of rejection, food addiction, perfectionism, fear of abandonment … Read more on Kingman Daily Miner
Tags: celebrate recovery, drug and alcohol, chicago tribune, drug and alcohol addiction, alcohol addiction