Veganism/Animal Facts?

Question by dani.2007: Veganism/Animal Facts?
I’ve recently gone Vegan (within the past month) and my mother doesn’t approve.

She believes that free-range animals, milk cows, laying hens, etc. are all treated humanely.

Personally, I think it’s a lie.

Are they treated better?
Treated “humanely”, as in nice living space, fresh grass, etc.??

Best answer:

Answer by Valenthart
that all depends on what your beliefs are

Answer by award1nd
Every company is different and it’s hard to tell what products are the most animal-friendly, although I’m betting that PETA’s website can tell you where to find it.

I think dairy products should still be okay for vegans who care about animal rights. For example, if you DON’T milk a cow, that is bad for the cow…so it’s more humane to milk it, and you might as well use the milk. Not exactly a groundbreaking reference but it’s just an example.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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