Warren Schloss, BS, CADC | Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Recovery Support, Narberth, PA


Warren Schloss, BS, CADC | Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Recovery Support, Narberth, PA – warrenschloss.com Warren Schloss, BS, CADC, Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor, specializes in confidential substance abuse counseling, drug abuse & addiction counseling, recovery from alcoholism, alcohol abuse counseling, drug and , recovery support and life coaching. With over 17 years of professional experience, Warren works with people who want to recover from drug and alcohol addiction, providing treatment, counseling, support and coaching for those in early recovery, as well as men and women in sustained recovery who are ready to work on recovery-related life issues. Also available, Addiction Awareness Education for DUI problems or job related issues (Return to Work), or other substance abuse problems. Narberth, Montgomery County, PA


Specialized court helps out troubled veterans

Filed under: alcohol abuse counseling

As part of the program, which usually lasts about 18 months, veterans are required to attend alcohol or substance abuse counseling and undergo mandatory drug testing. Some might be required to wear a tether to monitor possible alcohol use. Once the …
Read more on The Detroit News


1 bullet killed Byron Holveck

Filed under: alcohol abuse counseling

The hotline is operated by the Marion Area Counseling Center. Information on … The study, referred to on the website Suicide.org, found that many of the people involved had abused alcohol and/or drugs and had a prior history of suicide attempts. In …
Read more on Marion Star


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