Was Alcohol Abuse “big” in the 1960’s?
Question by Crazychick2952: was alcohol abuse “big” in the 1960’s?
just wanting to know if it was common that women would end up in the hospital because of it.
its for a story i’m writing for english class.
thanks Vicky and Paula
and to wing of the dumb left 3 why do you waste your time with answers like that.
Best answer:
Answer by Vicky
more drugs than alcohol
Answer by Paula
Most of them would have been cooking or looking after their children, they partied but knew their limits.
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Journalist who spent year researching alcohol abuse to speak at House of …
Filed under: alcohol abuse
Between cultural perceptions that alcohol is a mark of success and sophistication and the marketing of wines and liquors, women are drinking more potent alcohol more often and finding themselves at risk of addiction. Currently, Canada lacks a national …
Read more on Waterloo Record
Gender gap for alcohol abuse reduced
Filed under: alcohol abuse
By Piriya Mahendra, medwireNews Reporter. The predominance of men among patients admitted to psychiatric hospitals because of alcohol abuse has declined compared with 25 years ago in Iceland, while the gender gap for other substance use disorders …
Read more on News-Medical.net
Health Matters: Alcohol Abuse an Adult Problem, Too
Filed under: alcohol abuse
With the population of those ages 65 or over increasing rapidly in both Needham and the United States, alcohol abuse among older adults is a serious and growing problem. Alcohol abuse among older adults gets less attention than drinking among young …
Read more on Patch.com
Tags: united states, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, psychiatric hospital, substance abuse