What Are Some Books That Deal With Depression?
Question by altimaflare9999: what are some books that deal with depression?
I want to read a book that revolves around depressing people, not one of those “self-help” books but authors who make up them, like I read once a very good book called “almost Lost” about a guy who was dealing with depression, very good book. Thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by chocolate1212
It’s Kind of a Funny Story
13 Reasons Why
Answer by RedStar
All In The Mind by Alastair Campbell is quite good. He suffers from bouts of serious depression himself and his lead character is a psychiatrist who, although he treats patients for depression himself, has no idea how to deal with his own depressive episodes. The ending is rather clever, I thought, although maybe a little obvious in the point in makes.
As a depressive myself, I usually really dislike reading fiction about depression, but I did like Campbell’s book. I actually only bought it because I happened to meet him (he was incredibly charming, too) but I was pleasantly surprised by the book.
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Self-Help Advice : Tips on How to Beat Depression – Beating depression is possible by getting an evaluation for medication, by relying on friends and support groups and by combating negative thoughts with positive ones. Fight depression, keeping a diary of negative thoughts and writing positive thoughts next to them, withthoughtful advice from a licensed psychologist in this free video on self-help. Expert: Bernice B. Bernhard, Ph.D Contact: www.bernicebbernhardphd.com Bio: Bernice B. Bernhard, Ph.D, has been a New York State licensed psychologist since 1973. Filmmaker: Paul Muller
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Tags: mental health issues, alastair campbell, mental health, dealing with depression, depression self help