What Careers/internships Are Available for Physical Therapy Majors?

Question by Bella: What careers/internships are available for Physical Therapy majors?
Which would be best to open the right door? To make the most connections? Physical therapy in general but sports medicine/ are all options too. No experience currently. Have thought about hospitals, rehab centers, fitness centers, etc. Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by girlypearl
I guess I am not really understanding what you are asking? you can’t go on to a physical therapy “internship” (which is actually called fieldwork) unless you are in a PT program. If you are wondering how to get your foot in the door to get into a PT program, then you may want to call a rehab center or hospital and do some “shadowing” hours. these really helped me get into my Occupational therapy program where I am currently enrolled.

Answer by Ed Atun
Nursing Home PT is your entry. Medicare stops the benefits for elderly patients unless they take PT, so it is mandatory. Which means there will always be jobs there for you. Then you could switch to Sports Medicine..

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



The Lakeshore Sports Physical Therapy Difference – Patients discuss their experiences at Lakeshore Sports Physical Therapy, PC.


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