What Goes on in Anti-Smoking Therapy?

Question by Forever: What goes on in anti-smoking therapy?
Hey! So for my 10th grade health class, we’re doing skits tomorrow, illustrating different diseases or illnesses which are caused by lifestyle choices. The one my group is assigned to is Infancy Disease (caused by decisions the mother makes, not hereditary ones). In our skit, I play a pregnant woman who smokes, resulting in the baby not developing properly, and my doctor sends me to like “smoking rehab.” I was curious about what goes on in these therapy sessions which smokers go to to quit their addiction. What do they talk about with their therapist? Thanks so much! :)

Best answer:

Answer by Jayjay
It depends entirely on what type of therapy is used.

There is a HUGE difference in therapy that focuses on will-power so advising people to stop smoking for as long as possible to remove the physical addiction in the hopes it cures the mental addiction, and methods like Easyway that focus on getting rid of the mental addition so people stop straight away. Unless you have been into a therapy session you probably shouldn’t try to do a skit like this, plus you’re on shaky ground not to imply the victims of addiction are not to blame.

A will-power therapy involves scaring people into quitting smoking – thus if the woman is pregnant it often involves telling her how much she is hurting her baby and giving her a load of statistics (FYI it’s far more common for this sort of tactic to result in the woman smoking more, smokers will increase how much they smoke when under stress or pressured to quit), and tips on how to reduce the amount of smoking such as keeping yourself busy, using electronic cigarettes or chewing gum.

An Easyway therapy involves showing smokers how smoking traps them in the addiction, pointing out the falsehoods of smoking myths such as the idea that smoking relaxes you – it only relaxes you as your body gets used to a certain amount of nicotine, once you stop smoking that amount slowly goes down so creating stress which is then relieved by smoking again to replenish the loss. Lots of talking about how smoking advertisement works to trap you within the addiction, then ending with breathing exercises and all members throwing their cigarettes away as it works immediately.

^ For the record most doctors will send patients to willpower therapy, despite methods like Easyway being 90% successful and immediate as soon as the patient finishes their few hours in the clinic.

What happens at our sessions – http://www.easywayscotland.co.uk/stop-smoking/what-happens-our-sessions

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Classic & Rehab Center Inc – Drexel Hill, PA – Classic Physical Therapy & Rehab Center Inc 610-626-9808 610-485-4403 http://www.yellowbook.com/profile/classic-physical-therapy-and-rehab-center-inc_1867765…


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