What Happens During a Manic Episode? (Mental Health Guru)


What Happens During a Manic Episode? ( Guru) – Bipolar Disorder is a complex mood disorder characterized by dramatic mood swings between poles of mania and depression. mental.healthguru.com


Employees with bipolar disorder: How do they affect your workplace?
Do you have an employee with bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder, also called manic depression or manic-depressive disorder, affects 1 in 20 Americans. It is a brain-based condition leading to episodes of mania and depression. It causes changes in mood, … Read more on HR.BLR.com

Cannabis use may worsen illness course in bipolar disorder
Overall, 7.2% (n=119) of BD patients fulfilled criteria for DSM-IV-defined CUD in the previous 12 months compared with 1.2% of NESARC participants without the mood disorder. Among individuals with BD, those with co-occurring CUD (n=119) were mostly … Read more on News-Medical.net

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