What Is the Difference Between “Major Depression” and Any Other Type?

Question by Jackie Brown: What is the difference between “” and any other type?
My therapist says that is what I have because I attempted suicide once….What is considered major? Isn’t depression, depression?

Best answer:

Answer by Serene E
There’s depression caused by an imbalance of chemicals in your brain and there’s environmental reasons.
But you really need to get on a medical website to find out, not listen to just anybody spouting off vague and unreliable information.

Answer by Brendan
yes depression is depression. You’ll hear it called either clinical depression or major depression usually and sometimes melancholic depression. It’s all the same disorder.They might rate it from mild,moderate,or severe. If you have a very mild depression they might call it dysthymia

Add your own answer in the comments!



Major clinical suicidal depression and recovery – When my family finally convinced me to go to a mental hospital, I was diagnosed as suicidally depressed. Well, I could have told you that. What did surprise me is they diagnosed me as what they called the worst kind of depressive — a “smiling” depressive. This kind of depression is masked so well by the person suffering from it, that nobody asks if they can help. My whole life in the years before treatment were about hiding my condition and what made me feel better.


Low Life Satisfaction, Depression Linked to Genetic Influences

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Specifically, 74 percent of the relationship between major depression and life satisfaction could be explained by genes, researchers said, with the remaining association (26 percent) triggered by other environmental factors. The researchers then …
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