What Is the MOST Successful, Reliable, and Proven Medication for Treating “BiPolar Disorder”?
Question by jarngar: What is the MOST successful, reliable, and proven medication for treating “BiPolar Disorder”?
Best answer:
Answer by michele
Answer by racer 51
there are so many meds out there and it really depends on the individual. statistics would say one thing but there is really no way of knowing.
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Medications for Bipolar Disorder: Antipsychotics, Mood Stabilizers and Antidepressants – Is it worth it to take bipolar medications, like Lithium, with all their side effects? In this video, Bipolar Vida blogger, Cristina Fender, discusses this important question about bipolar medications. View her blog at: www.healthyplace.com
Jackson has bipolar disorder
Filed under: medications for bipolar disorder
Treatment for bipolar disorder involves psychotherapy — "talk therapy" — and medication such as Depakote or lithium, both of which fall into a class of drugs called mood stabilizers, Yohanna said. Medicines called antipsychotics also can be …
Read more on Chicago Tribune
Jesse Jackson Jr. treated for bipolar II disorder: What is it?
Filed under: medications for bipolar disorder
Medications and psychotherapy have been known to help people make such episodes less frequent and shorter. So the prognosis is good with stabilizing medications and psychotherapy. A combination of the two can effectively treat bipolar II disorder.
Read more on Los Angeles Times
Tags: jesse jackson, bipolar medication, bipolar ii disorder, los angeles, chicago tribune, bipolar disorder, ipolar disorder