What Is the Regular Procedure in a Rehab for an Alcoholic?
Question by BurntBridges: What is the regular procedure in a rehab for an alcoholic?
I’m probably going into one soon. I want to know what to expect. I want to know what happens. Please tell me.
Best answer:
Answer by Kelly B
If you are told…..you’re more likely not to go.
I depends of whether you’re doing in or out patient care.
Answer by vatot7
12 steps
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Affordable Care Act Could Remove Drug Rehab Cost Barriers
SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — The Affordable Care Act could lead as many as 40 million Americans to rehab as it would eliminate cost barriers for people who need help recovering from addiction. It is estimated that addiction costs more than $ 120 billion each … Read more on CBS Local
State awards Berks 3950 in crime-fighting grants
… Judiciary Committee, said the commission will administer the funding through several programs, including those targeting gang prevention; services to crime victims; drug- and alcohol-treatment programs; and rehabilitation programs for nonviolent … Read more on Reading Eagle
Tags: rehabilitation program, rehabilitation programs, treatment program, reading eagle, treatment programs, drug rehab, affordable care act