What Kind of Disabilities Could Make It So You Have to Go to Rehab?

Question by : What kind of disabilities could make it so you have to go to rehab?
I want to write something about a person that has a disability that goes to rehab. Problem is that i dont know what kind of a DISABILITY you could go to rehab for. It can be physical, emotional, mental, etc. Anything that sounds close would help! Thanks! :)

Best answer:

Answer by Professor Know It All
You’re not mixing up substance abuse rehabilitation with injury rehabilitation are you? “Rehab” is shorthand for the former and also for the latter, which is commonly known as physical therapy. Any kind of injury that doesn’t just heal up on its own can require physical rehab. usually things with damaged joins, broken bones or torn muscles, tendons or ligaments. Chronic ailments also can require physical therapy.

So one with say, MS, like Stephen Hawking, would need to be in rehab for the rest of their life, (though Stephen is too far gone at this point, you have to be able to move at all…) Early stage MS though.

Answer by Rod
Spinal injury, amputation, brain injury, stroke, sudden onset of blindness. In fact pretty much anything that happens suddenly, where a person needs to re-learn how to do basic tasks. Like how to get dressed when you can’t move your legs, for instance.

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