What Must I Do to Validate My Foreign Physical Therapy Degree in the USA to Be Able to Work There?

Question by sebastian: What must I do to validate my foreign physical therapy degree in the USA to be able to work there?
Hi all, I’ve been thinking about pursuing a future working in the United States as a . I think Florida is where I’m more inclined to go as I used to live there and I’m more familiar with the state.

I’m a U.S.A citizen myself. However, I am currently studying Physical Therapy in Costa Rica. Over here the degree is a 4 year program, which graduates me as a “general physical therapist” with knowledge in most or all areas of PT including hospitals, clinicas, rehabilitation, sports, neurologic, massage, pediatric, etc.

I would like to know what I must do to validate my foreign physical therapy degree in order to be able to work in the United States. I ask this because I’m sure there must be some differences in the “PT study program” from country to country. Should it be quite hard, or easy to be able to do so?

Thank you very much.

Best answer:

Answer by Carrie
I would go to the APTA (American Physical Therapy Association) website they could…should have an answer

yes PT degrees/license vary between countries. If you go to school and earn your degree in US… most countries will recognize your degree.

I was just talking about this with a fellow Physical Therapist today


Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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