What Role Should Nurses Have in Mobilising and Positioning Patients After a …
What role should nurses have in mobilising and positioning patients after a …
Filed under: physiotherapy for stroke patient
i think that nurses have an important role, they need to speak to the specialist stroke OT and physio's so that patients are positioned and mobilised correctly. that is why we have MDTs and nurses working on stroke units go on training days. Unsuitable …
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Stroke claims a life in every six seconds
Filed under: physiotherapy for stroke patient
She described in detail the role of an individual, community and the government in caregiving and treatment of stroke patients. She briefly described the … Physiotherapist SIH Zaheer Ahmad discussed importance of physiotherapy in the recovery of stroke.
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Kiwi-designed bionic arm for stroke victims
Filed under: physiotherapy for stroke patient
Users wear a headset, which literally reads the patient's mind. “It monitors the neuron activities in your brain and it picks up … And what do the physiotherapists who normally work with stroke victims think? “The physiotherapist said don't do it …
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Post-Stroke Exercises (Part 1: Upper Limb) – A physiotherapist explains safe upper limb exercises for stroke patients. This Singapore health video is brought to you by SGH and SingHealth, the largest healthcare & hospital group in Singapore. Health Videos: www.youtube.com Singapore Health Website: www.singhealth.com.sg Subscribe to be notified of new health videos youtube.com
Tags: stroke patients, stroke victims, stroke unit, upper limb, stroke patient, zaheer ahmad, stroke victim