What Will Be Some Awesome Information That I Should Give to This “Teen Depression Group” About My Ball Python?

Question by Khalis: What will be some awesome information that I should give to this “Teen Depression Group” about my Ball Python?
I just started going back to this Teen Depression Group that’s on Weds because i’ve been feeling down lately, but to help me cope with my depression is my pet snake in which is a Ball Python and i’ve asked my therapist on who is the main leader/talker of the group, if I could bring him for kind of like a show & tell thingy and how he cheers me up when i’m upset and he said yeah so I’m so excited to bring my snake and finally get a chance to explain the good things about them like how they make great pets, information about the ball python like where they come from, what they eat, why they are cold-blooded and a reptile, what makes them good pets, how he helps me cope with my depression, etc.

I want to know from you guys on what would be some other things that I should explain about this snake, he will also be my ambassador for other reptiles and snakes and I finally get the chance to explain all that I know about snakes and get others interested in them and to stop fearing them and show them how they aren’t bad animals after all and i’ll possibly and hopefully get to answer questions, but i’m only going to tell what I know and have done research on and how addicting snakes can become and stuff, but yeah what else should I tell them?

Best answer:

Answer by clown_love01
Tell them if they don’t stop being depressed your snake will constrict them=o. Lol jk but I thinkk this is awesome everyone needs something in their life that makes them happier, whether it be a pet or a hobby or…..a car….a person, just anything that’s right for them. I struggle with depression as well but luckily not as much as when I was a teen. But my dog does it for me, everytime I’m sad and I look at my Sheva( dog) it makes me feel just a lil bit better and somtimes all the way better. So maybe you can tell them that and that your emotions do tend to calm down as you get older its just those stupid hormones going haywire. Best of luck, snakes are awesome btw. =)

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