When Use Becomes Abuse: Drug Abuse Is on the Rise and Most People Can Find a

When use becomes abuse: Drug abuse is on the rise and most people can find a

Filed under: Dr. John drug abuse

But the strongest pain-relieving medications are drugs that use morphine, which is also the active ingredient in opium. These pain-relieving drugs are highly addictive, according to Dr. John Olenczak is a pain specialist with Pain and Spine Institute …
Read more on The Herald-Mail


When use becomes abuse: Drug abuse is on the rise and most people can find a

Filed under: Dr. John drug abuse

But the strongest pain-relieving medications are drugs that use morphine, which is also the active ingredient in opium. These pain-relieving drugs are highly addictive, according to Dr. John Olenczak is a pain specialist with Pain and Spine Institute …
Read more on The Herald-Mail


How the National Institute for Drug Abuse Helped Create the Dangerous

Filed under: Dr. John drug abuse

Former Clemson University chemistry professor Dr. John W. Huffman is the namesake of JWH-018, JWH-073 and JWH-200, three of the synthetic cannabinoids banned by the U.S. in 2011. "The National Institute of Drug …
Read more on Reason Online (blog)


New rules aim to curb drug abuse

Filed under: Dr. John drug abuse

State lawmakers last week passed legislation aimed at curbing prescription drug abuse, ushering in tougher regulations designed to stem the deadly opiate epidemic that has hit families across Massachusetts — hundreds of whom lobbied for the new rules …
Read more on Boston.com


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