Where Can I Buy Books Written Backwards (From Right to Left) Specifically for a Stroke Patient?

Question by cat: Where can I buy books written backwards (from right to left) specifically for a stroke patient?
My mother in law has recently suffered a stroke and can only read and write from right to left now (i,e. backwards). Does anyone know of any websites that sell books (I’m thinking fiction, something to entertain her) written backwards for needs of this kind? Thanks,

Best answer:

Answer by cjp
Your question caused me to go looking on the net and I’ve found nothing about books for stroke victims such as you describe. I was thinking that if it were me in that place, I would try to retrain my brain to read again. I’ve been reading a lot of studies about how elastic the brain is and here is an example about how to retrain for reading. I’m not sure if your family member is up to this, but it may be an option.

Please extend my sincerest wishes for a full recovery.

“Work on the computer for at least an hour a day for nine months. This has been shown to help regain visual ability even after partial blindness has affected them.

Step 6Practice with simple words written on cards to rehabilitate word recognition. Progress may be very slow. With time and practice, you may regain the ability to read.

Step 7Practice writing single letters and simple words. You might need to learn to use the unaffected hand to write, but do continue to practice with the affected hand. Forcing yourself to use the affected limb builds new connections within the brain. Be gentle with yourself and practice daily.”

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Stroke Recovery, my story, experience and advice “thank god I had a stroke” – ‘THANK GOD I HAD A STROKE’ is now available on Amazon and on http://gabogrecanstrokerecovery.com (each book purchased from this website includes a special ‘s…


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