Where Can I Go for Mental Health Treatment?

Question by Alexis: Where can i go for ?
I do not have health insurance because I cant afford it and I am to old to qualify for medical. I suffer seriously from depression over the years and it is progressively getting worse. As it oftentimes does, severe anxiety accompanies my depression whjich prohibits me from being productive, going outside. having freinedse, etc it basically effects every aspect of my life. I really want and need help. i dont know how much longer I can go on like this, but how do i see a docrtor for treatment? can anything be done?? please help…

Best answer:

Answer by Psyched
Depending on where you live, there are support groups for depression, and many of them are free.

There are also some great self help books, and if your depression is not severe, you might be able to help yourself.

There is also counselling you can get through churches, or other community resources.

Feel free to e-mail me and I can give you some links for good books, CDs you can get from your local library.

Whatever you do, keep asking for help and support. Do not do this alone. Depression is an illness, like diabetes, or cancer, and it can be treated. Believe me, I know, I am a mental health provider, who is also a “proud client”.

It IS possible and you WILL get better.

Answer by besaw82
go to the regular hospital and ask about it. they HAVE to help you. The state should help if you admit yourself. But unfortunalely I think it has to be inpatient…They probably won’t do outpatient care until the people inside check you out first.

Good Luck!)

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Jay Nixon on mental health facilities, Jan. 2010 – From a meeting with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial board. (Post-Dispatch photo made at St. Louis Police Memorial Breakfast May 2010).


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